The post On The Subject Of Taking Breaks In Remote & Hybrid Work appeared first on Jackstien Practices, India.
]]>Taking regular breaks while working is important – this has been established countless times.
They renew your motivation, help you destress, and improve your productivity levels.
But remote and hybrid work and the change in surroundings that come with it may make these breaks a bit tricky. You cannot overwork and invite burnout. Nor can you strain your body sitting continually (yes that’s a thing).
But you can’t risk taking a break that makes it difficult for you to return to work.
A way out of this fix is to distinguish between breaks that are distracting and those that are refreshing.
For instance, ten minutes of using social media have the potential to turn into an hour of mindless scrolling quickly. On the other hand, eating an apple is both quick and healthy and is extra enjoyable, especially as a break.
Other 10-minute break activities that are effective in helping you relax AND resume work quickly:
Author(s)– Human Resources Department – Jackstien Practices
The post On The Subject Of Taking Breaks In Remote & Hybrid Work appeared first on Jackstien Practices, India.