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future of work

Articles, posts, insights, opinions, factoids or musings with 'future of work'

Hybrid Work; Birthed By Systems Thinking.

Hybrid work requires a systems thinking approach to risk management. Solutions for specific and singular areas without understanding how different pieces fit together in the larger context would not help.

Hybrid work risk management future of work Jackstien practices

Gone Are The Days

The New Employee ‘Worth It’ Equation; a quick analysis of the new-age approach towards a satisfying work environment.

remote hybrid work risk management jackstien practices development of hybrid work

Remote & Hybrid Work – How it Came to Be – Part II 

The long road that led us to remote work was inevitable in hindsight. Lets see how the consumer culture, capitalism and population led us on this point today, with remote and hybrid work now an inevitable reality. Though the change is upon us, the ability to risk-manage the change hasn’t developed as quickly as needed.


The alternative to layoffs 

Layoffs are easy. And like all easy answers, they are usually wrong. Hybrid work is hard to risk manage, but like all such things, far more worthwhile in the long run. 

jackstien practices remote work hybrid work risk management technology evolution

How Remote & Hybrid Work Came To Pass 

What were the events that even enabled us to leverage remote work to begin with? Sometimes a reminder of the basics help. These reminders can also help you understand the differences between enablement and adaptation. Adaptation in the present, requires risk management. To improve the present, one must understand the past