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Wiki-Flex Launches Crowd-Sourced Platform for Flexibility Reviews

Here at Jackstien Practices, we have been discussing Remote and Hybrid work – the Good, the Bad, the Ugly and the Awesome for some time.

It’s not everyday that significant developments come about externally. Now, one such development appears to have finally arrived!

Remember the time when seeking information and knowledge required copious amounts of effort? Then, Wikipedia came along and significantly innovated a democratic process of accessing, reviewing and rating information and knowledge.

Enter Wiki-Flex

Wiki-Flex launched as the crowd-sourced index for flexibility

The job market is certainly competitive, more so when you look at the world of flexible jobs. However, the competition needs to be supported by cooperation.

What was sorely missing was a central platform to enable the world of flexibility to evolve in a democratic fashion.

A new platform called Wiki-Flex has been launched to provide a common ground for crowd-sourced reviews about remote work practices.  With a stated aim to unlock transparency and empowerment in the world of flexible work, it appears (to us at least) to be the missing link in the evolution, maturation and balance within the employee-employer dynamic of onsite, hybrid work, or remote work.


At its core, the Wiki-Flex Project seems designed as a platform for employees to contribute their ratings to employers’ flex work policies. You can try it out if you like – click on the button to voice your opinion.

wiki-flex employee survey


Employer Ranking on Flex Policies and Practices


With a commitment to transparency, Wiki-Flex goes beyond traditional employer review websites. Often, employer ratings websites give little to no real or actionable information for employers to actually work on. Ultimately, even if organizations realize that something needs to improve, they have no clue on what needs to improve.

Wiki-Flex seems to be a welcome break from this pointless exercise.  

Employer are scored and ranked on specific aspects and reflect ratings provided by employees (including anonymously), demonstrating how well are employers converting flexibility into a practical reality. Wiki-Flex seems geared to provide significant transparency and insight to job seekers about potential employers and ultimately, lead talent to workplaces better suited to their needs.

Such employee testimonials, in turn, would help other similar-minded job-seekers that need to know the reality of workplace practices. More, we see this project helping senior management in companies work at improving job satisfaction by reflecting in their company ratings. Projects like Wiki-Flex help create a work culture of honesty and trust between employees and employers, something that is most likely to bring an end to the friction around flexible work policies.


Head over if you’d like to check out the employer rankings by country or industry

The ranking methodology and standards seem to indicate that the list of winners will reveal themselves over time.


Employer Rankings and Company Ratings: The Feedback Loop to the Greater Good


As the Wiki-Flex community grows, employee experiences will reflect through feedback and employer ratings. Employers absorbing and studying these ratings can improve the company’s standing as an employer of choice for the right talent. At the same time, the ratings on Wiki-Flex help employees get a ring-side view of the best places to work as they benefit from each other’s contribution on remote work jobs, hybrid work cultures, transparency of practices or flexible time policies.  This feedback loop is what we predict may lead to the larger good and which is what has us excited about this project.

Flexibility Gains a Voice


On the road to the inevitable evolution towards a flexible work culture, employee feedback provides invaluable insight to employers seeking to enhance their corporate policies and in turn, maximizes employee experiences. On the other hand, for job seekers, this works as a superpower resource toward finding the right fit.

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