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Remote and Hybrid Workforce – An Enigma for Human Resources

In addition to achieving competitive advantage through strategic deployment, the challenge of a hybrid workforce is to build a highly capable and committed workforce.

From the HR perspective, the trinity of Training, Education and Development plays a major influence in streamlining Talent Engagement and Talent Management in the new world of work.

Breaking away from the exotic myth of Human Resources restricting to policies drafting and people disciplining, the focus, off late has been on Harvard model of Human Resources management for hybrid or remote workforce.

The Harvard model (Beer et al, 1984) developed at Harvard University speaks of interlinking six elementaries namely HRM policy choices, stakeholder interests, situational factors, HR outcomes, long-term influences of outcomes and feedback loop which fits into the hybrid proposition benefitting the organization, moreover stakeholders (internal and external).

This can be combined with Integrated HRD Approach by Pareek and Rao, which recommends that “Performance Appraisal, Potential Appraisal, Feedback and Counselling, Career Development and Career Planning and Training and Development get distinct attention as unique parts of an integrated system which we call Human Resources Development System.”

An article, ‘The Plight of the CHRO Today’ addressing similar issues also highlights that “CHROs need to think about the impact of remote work on the plethora of Labour Laws across the Centre, States and UTs that require hundreds of different filings.”

Ever wondered why Quiet quitting, moonlighting or any of the other circular jargon keep coming up now and then? Why even in the first place, the thought of separations or manipulations erupting? Blame the “stringent” policies? Or the loopholes in their ways of execution? Or is it just about the aftermath, that just settles the books at the financial year-end closures?

Breaking down to simpler version of resolving the hybrid workforce enigmas, the less talked but one of the strong concepts of strategic management, the Glocal Approach – ‘Think Global, Act Localcan be operationalized rather than the core concept of professionalization. The dots need to be connected in a way so that the HR Centre of Excellence is sustainable and not on a hyped-up tangent.

It is a myth that only conventional HR practices at a physical setting can be embroiled in multiple scenarios for human resources development but it can be run better the other way round, that is, adapting to hybrid set of practices, policies, asynchronous and blended learning forms, for development of existing workforce, ultimately leading to better talent retention and talent attraction for future needs.

Author & Guest Blogger: Kriti Bhardwaj

A Word by our guest blogger, Kriti Bhardwaj: “My name is Kriti Bhardwaj and I write. By profession, I have been majorly associated with people and product management. I am also an Indian Institute of Banking & Finance certified trainer, a Communication Fitness Coach and train professionals from vibrant fields on different behavioral and functional topics. I’m pursuing the journey of a learner in the field of branding, human resources, spirituality and transcending the same through various training and development initiatives alongside writing case studies and articles.

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