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hybrid workplace

Articles, posts, insights, opinions, factoids or musings with 'hybrid workplace'

Hybrid Work; Birthed By Systems Thinking.

Hybrid work requires a systems thinking approach to risk management. Solutions for specific and singular areas without understanding how different pieces fit together in the larger context would not help.

hybrid work consulting risk management jackstien practices

The Easy Wrong Answer

Transitioning to hybrid work may feel new and risky to employers in terms of placing confidence in their employees, but maybe they may do well to evaluate whether they were really better off earlier or is hybrid or remote work just the easiest but wrong thing to place the blame on.

Remote Work Savings Commute Jackstien Practices

Live Beyond Your Means.

Remote work, apart from giving more time and freedom to do things other than work, has led people to save so much money over these years.  A fictionalised account on the economics of remote work.

Hybrid Work Risk Management

Risk Managing Hybrid Work – The Contradictions

As hybrid work’s benefits and risks continue to reveal themselves, it is imperative to identify, understand and deal with the contradictions that may come in the way of risk managing a successful hybrid working strategy.

Nine and Seven

Intelligence is often described as the ability to hold two opposing views in the mind and still continue to function.
It requires balance.
Balance is brutally difficult. Take for example, the push and pull between employer and employee expectations. The Great Resignation. Quiet Quitting. Quiet Firing.
Can there be a middle ground?

The Seventh Heaven Of Corporate Paradise 

As remote and hybrid work, flexibility, and freedom take over, following an ideal and being passionate about your work and career advancement is still a significant individual responsibility for people. The steps to the seventh heaven of corporate paradise.