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Myth Buster No. 2 – The Myth that Remote Work is the same as Work From Home…

Further to some thoughts that occurred to us in a tete-a-tete with Financial Express, (link to article) we decided to pen down a series of Myth-Busters so that the adoption of Remote Work is neither marred nor mis-directed.

The Myth that Remote Work is the same as Work From Home…

A good way to look would be that ‘Remote or Hybrid Work’ is infrastructure that a company invests.

‘Working from Home’ is how most employees have tended to leverage that infrastructure during the pandemic so as to continue work. Remote Work, however, should not be confused with staying away from the office to deal with the pandemic. It’s a larger (much larger) concept.

A Remote & Hybrid Work Infrastructure supports and enables low-cost presence across multiple cities, states or countries. This presence can be set-up or shifted out, based on where the right market is or where the right customers are or even where the right employees are.

Further, this presence may be through homes or small offices or meeting areas or even simply break-out areas.

The possibilities are endless. Different solutions work for different businesses, companies or promoters.

The common element, however, is that they all rely on a well-designed Remote Work infrastructure.

One which is expertly designed and (1) is driven by revenue and evidence (2) is backed by data and logic and (3) compensates for emotional preferences and preconceived notions.

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